Health Philosophy
Are all the nutrition advice and fad diets you hear about making you confused or even downright crazy?! It can leave a mama wondering what on earth the right thing is for your family! Let me ease your mind and introduce you to the concept of eating REAL FOOD. Now, that may need some definition as well, because sadly, our society of rushing and convenience has taken us far away from what real food even looks like (see What is Real Food). Let me ease your mind- I’m here to help erase the confusion for you, and even remind you that perfect does not exist! It’s ok to still relax and enjoy your family and realize that employing the 80/20 rule will bring you so much freedom.
I believe we are fearfully and wonderfully designed by a God who loves us and desires for our bodies to not just barely scrape through each day, but actually thrive and live life to the full! Mama, you are not just a body, but a soul and a mind and ALL of you needs to be nurtured. I always start with food because sometimes chemicals or fake food can not only cause weight gain, but can actually affect your mood or make you irritable. But because you are more than just what you eat, you have to address your whole being. How is your stress? Your sleep? Your self-care? Your relationships? Getting your body moving? These areas and more are all things that contribute to your overall well-being, and when addressed as a whole, can help you to thrive!